The Black Lives Voter Guide offers endorsements for the 2024 elections in Oakland, Alameda County and California. These endorsements reflect the consensus perspective of local Black social justice leaders on how to best uplift Black lives in Oakland and beyond. Inform your vote, and please spread the word!


Oakland Mayor Recall
Why Sheng Thao should be removed from office

Participant comments:

  • The city is not going in the right direction. Businesses are leaving, crime is not under control, poor quality of living, public infrastructure is not well kept (parks, bathrooms, etc.) and I don't think she has the legislative ability to manage a city like Oakland at this point of time.

  • Oakland economic growth and safety has declined significantly. Our youth education and employment opportunities have been on a steady decline. The federal raid was the last straw of creditability.

  • She came in making unpopular decisions without having the public understand her qualifications to make this decision.

  • She is not qualified, has mismanaging city funds, and is the cause of some missed opportunities for funding for the city.

  • We need a fresh start. Oakland needs new leadership at all levels of government.

Others say:

  • Recalls are a costly mechanism employed most commonly by right-wing conservatives to destabilize democratically elected officials and confuse voters. The current recalls in Oakland and Alameda County were launched shortly after the elections and have been filled with vile racist tropes and political dog whistles that harm us all.

  • The voters chose Mayor Thao. We need to stop organizing a recall every time a minority of voters dislikes the decision. Unless a heinous act is uncovered or there was election fraud, candidates should finish their term.

  • The Mayor is under-qualified and has a lot of work to do to (re)gain voters' confidence but do not believe that recall is the best method to address this.

City Council at Large
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Some say:

  • Oakland is missing Black male leadership that can go into any neighborhood and inspire others.

  • He is an Oakland native who is committed to making Oakland a safer and prosperous city again. I saw his community work as the chief, and I trusted his judgement when it came to youth we serve in Oakland, especially Black youth.

  • Has been quite approachable about new policies that impact Oakland families.

  • LaRonne's history, life and experience gives him a perspective we need. He supported policies that put my brother, uncles and folx we grew up with in prison for a long time and now he can use those flawed thoughts to make policy better.

Candidate website: LeRonne Armstrong


Some say:

  • Rowena has a proven track record of serving the people.

  • Open to all communities throughout Oakland.

Candidate website: Rowena Brown

City Council District 3
CARROLL FIFE - incumbent
Why she is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • Councilmember Fife has been clear from the beginning that housing is a human right, and terror by the hands of law enforcement is unacceptable. She supports fully funded housing, child care, and has worked hard to ensure youth have access to jobs and mental health supports. She's been a long time fighter for public education, and been explicit in her stance on fighting anti-Black racism and bigotry inside and outside of City Hall.

  • For the people, of the people, by the people. Carrol has always represented with authenticity and integrity.

  • As the whole City council turns over it will be important to maintain some continuity.

Candidate website: Carroll Fife

City Council District 5
NOEL GALLO - incumbent
Why he is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • I like Noel and his straight forwardness, and I like how he go hard for the Fruitvale and his neighborhood.

  • We've seen him at community meetings, getting feedback from the people. He's a consistent presence and actually votes in the people's best interest. He has the institutional memory needed to have some continuity.

Candidate website: Noel Gallo

City Council District 7
Why she is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • Iris knows the business of the city, and understand s the role Day 1. I have worked with Iris and she goes hard for D7. I am excited to see what she can do if she gets in office. She is from D7, lives in D7, serves on most neighborhood councils having to do with D7, and she can organize and understands global, national, and local partnerships. Iris gonna go hard and get what is ours back. Developers see the promise and we do too!

  • Iris is an experienced leader with a deep knowledge of District 7 and of Oakland politics. Knows City Hall inside and out and will deliver for a district in desperate need for leadership.

Candidate website: Iris Merriouns

Oakland City Attorney
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Some say:

  • Brenda has had a long and diverse legal career and has significant experience and knowledge of the matters that the City Attorney will have to address.

  • Best suited for the position due to knowledge and length of history in the position.

Candidate website: Brenda Harbin-Forte


No participant comments.

Candidate website: Ryan Richardson

School Board Director District 1
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Participant comments:

  • I am glad to know we will not have an incumbent in this D1 race. We need new energy! Rachel Lotta is endorsed by OEA, so that's good enough for me.

    Candidate website: Rachel Latta


Participant comments:

  • I'd like to have his youth and history with counsel on the board. I think his understanding of our young people might be the shift we need. Sharp young man and has experience in policy.

Candidate website: Ben Salop

School Board Director District 3
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Participant comments:

  • Accessibility and being in the community is a key factor to why VanCedric is the way to go. We need people we can "grab by the arm" and lean into when we need answers and strategy. He provides that.

  • I've had numerous interactions with VanCedric and he has been very pleasant and knowledgeable. He even came out to celebrate Skyline High School's Class of 2024 after the tragic shooting at their graduation. They made a special impression on those students.

  • He has engaged on the literacy work. He has the ear and respect of the teachers' union, and there's a need for that voice on that board. He has stood up vs nonsense, so he's not just an ideologue.

    Candidate website: VanCedric Williams


Participant comments:

  • An Oakland native and deeply root in the success youth and ensuring they thrive. Has a proven track record through his nonprofit (We Lead Ours) of doing so.

  • We need new ideas for West Oakland. I am not sure how much different the two candidates will be but I know that Mr. Aikens has worked in the district as staff and a contractor. He sees the structural racism that exists in district contracting that keeps the big companies like Bay Area Community Resources (BACR), who is gaining a monopoly in Oakland, in, and shutting small Black contractors out. This must be addressed and I think he will be the one to do it.

  • I've known Dwayne and his work a long time. He's always been students/kids first and stands for community.

    Candidate website: Dwayne Aikens Jr.

School Board Director District 5
Why she is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • I believe she will bring the energy the board needs to both make hard choices but, also keep kids at the center, responding to their needs.

  • She gets and prioritizes literacy. The kids can't read, and she wants to change that. 

  • Patrice comes highly endorsed by some folks and organizations that I personally respect.

Candidate website: Patrice Berry

School Board Director District 7
Why he is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • A brilliant and intelligent educational warrior for the entire Bay Area! From West Contra Costa, to OUSD, and to Oakland charters, this man deserves to be back on the board.

  • So far I like the support Clifford provides to public and charter schools. However he is clueless about the racial disparities in professional services contracts.

Candidate website: Clif Thompson

Measure MM: Wildfire Protection Zone
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Some participants say YES

Participant comments:

  • Global warming and climate change is real. We need to mitigate the effects with more protective zones.

  • East Oakland needs to be able to get off the back side of the hills. My parents live in the East Oakland hills and they risk being trapped if the one way off the hill is blocked.

Other participants say NO

Participant comments:

  • The city needs to stop taxing the people and do better with accounting for what is already received. If the admin is too heavy, cut that. Stop taxing the people with these measures.

  • There is inadequate oversight. The city is broke, and we have to prioritize.

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Measure NN: Fund Violence Reduction Services
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • Measure NN is our best chance of supporting successful efforts to reduce violence in Oakland. It has proven to be effective in lowering homicides and non-fatal shootings and robberies. Without it, we will lose the progress in violence prevention and intervention we've made over the past several years that keep Oakland and its citizens safer.

  • Our city is suffering, less cops on the street, 911 calls going unanswered, our city is decaying. We need these services.

  • We need to ensure we have quality 911 and emergency services.

  • I want the measure to name explicitly who for the Exemptions and reductions (likely for certain property owners or low-income residents, though specifics aren't provided).

  • I hate continuing to be taxed but we needed it.

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Measure OO: Amend City Charter and Municipal Code with Several Administrative Updates
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • The restrictions and changes might have positive impact on budgeting.

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The BLVG does not take a position on Oakland City Council District 1.

Alameda County

Alameda County District Attorney Recall
Why Pamela Price should remain in office

Participant comments:

  • She exemplifies leading with an equity lens. Her record on reforming a historically racist and broken system speaks for itself.

  • Pamela is exploring opportunities to provide justice for individuals whom have been sentenced unfairly.

  • How did the previous DA avoid such an action while this Black woman is under so much scrutiny? What's the real reason for the recall and who is funding it?

  • Pamela Price is being held to a different standard than ANY of her predecessors have, who, in my opinion, were far worse. She has done some good things and things that have been detrimental. I think she should be challenged, but a recall effort is not the way to do it.

  • Recalls are unethical and a waste of tax dollars. The people have voted.

  • I think she can do a good job, if allowed to.

Candidate website: Pamela Price

Board of Supervisors District 5
Why she is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • Nikki Fortunato Bas has the experience, a long time history fighting for economic justice including good jobs, better City Services and has navigated passing budgets with few resources during pandemic recovery without layoffs. Bas has saved Head Start programs, and supported the leadership of Black women in and outside of City Hall as a true ally. Bas is a solid, thoughtful leader who's policy approach is measured and well researched. We need her voice in the County.

  • She has made some good progress for Oakland citizens in her role as councilmember. 

Candidate website: Nikki Fortunato Bas

EBMUD Director, Ward 6
Why she is the best choice

No participant comments.

Candidate website: Valerie Lewis

East Bay Regional Park District Director, Ward 2
Why she is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • Casey works hard and has put in a considerable amount of footwork throughout Alameda County. She has been an ally and advocate in issues concerning youth. She is not only scrappy but also accessible to and for the people.

  • I know this candidate from her work with former councilmember Lynette McElhaney's office. She's focused and smart and works with integrity.

Candidate website: Casey Farmer

The BLVG does not take a position on BART Director District 7 or EBMUD Director Ward 5.


U.S. Senator Partial + Full Term
Why he is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • We need him to fight for the rights of every day Californians.

Note: U.S. Senator will appear on your ballot twice – to fulfill the partial Senate term, and for the regular election for a new six-year term in the Senate.

Candidate website: Adam Schiff

U.S. Representative, 12th Congressional District
Why she is the best choice

Participant comments:

  • I've observed the journey of Lateefah as City Council member of Oakland and working to

    drive change.

  • Lateefah is a true community champion. She is OAKLAND period.

Candidate website: Lateefah Simon

State Assembly, 18th District
MIA BONTA - Incumbent
Why she is the best choice

No participant comments.

Candidate website: Mia Bonta

State Assembly 14th District
BUFFY WICKS - incumbent
Why she is the best choice

No participant comments.

Candidate website: Buffy Wicks

Proposition 2: Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • Addressing health disparities requires economic development and investment in education as the foundation of economic development.

  • Bonds are one way to make the investment into our schools reciprocal. If this doesn't raise the tax and cost of living on the people…then, yes.

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Proposition 3: Constitutional Right to Marriage
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • Gay rights are civil rights. Marriage for one, should be marriage for ALL.

  • No matter your sexual orientation towards adults, you should have the right to marriage. Love is love.

  • Marriage in this country is no longer a religious thing. Those who want to protect it are imposing their faith and/or religious beliefs on those that may/may not have the same beliefs. That's not fair.

  • This is a question about freedom. We are here for that.

  • The state should provide social benefits equally for all couples.

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Proposition 4: $10B in Bonds for Safe Drinking Water and Protecting Natural Lands from Climate Risks
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • This appears to be something that will create jobs. It is concerning to have to take in more debt…but the work needs to be done. Fruitvale in Oakland is said to have water as bad as Flint, MI.

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Proposition 5: Lowers voter threshold from 66% to 55% for local Bond measures to fund Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure Projects
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • We have a homeless crisis. We need more affordable housing.

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Proposition 6: Eliminates Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • End Slave Labor, a modern version of slavery.

  • Just because someone is in prison doesn't mean they shouldn't have any rights and it certainly doesn't warrant this terrible country to force them into free labor.

  • It's stunning that officials have fought to keep the pool of cheap/slave labor available.

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Proposition 32: Raises Minimum Wage to $18/hr by 2026
Why to vote YES

Participant comments:

  • It's a start but still not enough to live here. Fair wages and a living wage for all.

  • We pay the people more, they increase the prices more. It's a catch 22. At times I have to vote against my own interest for the village.

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Proposition 33: Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control
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Participant comments:

  • Homeowners and investors have a right to increase their rent to cover expenses. At the same time, it's unreasonable to bump up rent more than what the average family gets from their jobs per year.

  • At times I have to vote against my own interest for the village.

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Proposition 34: Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers
Why to vote YES

No participant comments.

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Proposition 35: Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services with a Tax on Managed Care Organizations
Why to vote YES

No participant comments.

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Proposition 36: Allows Felony Charges and Increased Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes
Why to vote NO

Participant comments:

  • People committing crimes often need mental health services.

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The BLVG does not take a position on State Senator, 7th Senate District.